Ride F.O.R. Cherokee
The Ride F.O.R. Cherokee is a family orientated motorcycle fundraiser designed to assist participants who are enrolled in the DUI/Drug Treatment Court. Mr. John Chivington, is a community partner of the Friends of Recovery Foundation and is dedicated in the field of ministerial services. Each year, John oversees this fundraiser with board members of the Cherokee Friends of Recovery Foundation, Inc. The Ride F.O.R. Cherokee is intended to bring awareness to the importance of support for the substance abuser in treatment services and their families.
The Ride F.O.R. Cherokee consists of a scenic ride throughout Cherokee County, festivities, and a motorcycle raffle. All proceeds from this fundraiser are donated to the Ron Gabourie Memorial Fund of the Friends of Recovery Foundation. For more information about the Ride F.O.R. Cherokee, call 678-493-6450.